Posts Tagged ‘Michael Knight’


Michael Knight- Youth Is Wasted On The Young

November 13, 2008

Ahh never a truer expression- one that has been sticking in my mind these days with trying to make sure I have enough energy for all the gigs!

First heard Michael Knight on Indiecater Vol.1 from mp3hugger and with absolutely loving the closing number of Dumbshow I ran to Road Records to the get their last album (I’m Not Entirely Clear How I Ended Up Like This).  So when I heard that Mr. Hugger was going to re-release their first album, Youth Is Wasted On The Young, I was looking forward to hearing their earlier tunes and they do not disappoint!

Richie Murphy’s dramatic voice is excellent as before and I think this is slightly more harmonious than their follow up with the female backing playing a bigger role.  The playing order is important as well, while each track can stand on its own it seems more like a story when played in the intended order.

So a strong start with Foals and Waves To The Shore- great harmonies in both with the latter having some great beats to boot.  Crown Of Thorns starts off some of the quieter tracks and something different in each- whistling, piano, organ and some good male harmonies as well.   The title track Youth Is Wasted On The Young actually has a different singer (Patrick Freyne) and a more alt country feel.  The ending three are back to the strong start with tunes that have a good punch; Bright Eye has Richie back showing his range, Seasons has that extra bit of boppiness and I Did It Biffs Way has an excellent start with the scuzzy guitar and rounded off with the great vocals and drums.

So head over to mp3hugger now and BUY IT for the extremely reasonable 3.50…even a split in the pub cost’s that these days!

One final note…while looking at the sleeve notes that come with the download I noticed the very familiar name of Edel Coffey…I knew she had been in a band but I didn’t realise it was Michael Knight! You can see her in the YouTube of Leaving Town below…

Leaving Town


Indiecater- A Compilation By mp3hugger

July 20, 2008

Indiecater is an idea by the excellent music blogger mp3hugger…10 tracks from relatively unknown groups that he thinks deserve more attention. Mp3hugger is one blogger whose opinion I would trust when it comes to music- how many other music bloggers have had a song written about them? Not many I would imagine!

This is certainly one compilation that hugs you back- from the very outset you are wrapped in a warm embrace that stays with you long after the last notes have faded. In fact I have always thought that a good compilation is like sex and by god this one proves that point- the foreplay, the action and the sated yet yearning for more feeling at the end. God give me a cigarette now!

Well worth the €4.50…this will last longer with you than a pint and cheaper at that. So click here and get it now! Now- if we could only get all of these groups to play in Dublin!

Just some quick thoughts on the tunes themselves…

It’s Alright- Burning Codes– damn good falsettos

Astronaut- Slushco– great beats and vibe- quite complex actually but sounds sweet

Rockfield Symphony- Storkboy Choons– dance, great ambient feel and gets the body moving…not one to play in work!

Cockroaches- The E.L.F. – excellent vibe- is that a Yothi Yindi sample?

Packed the Car- Foreign Slippers– damn nice female vocals

You Remind Me of Me- Beaten Awake– sublime voices

Untitled- Call To Mind– dreamy and ambient

We’ve Been Waiting For You- Empty Rooms– shiny vibe, great drums and vocals

Share- Cymbals Eats Guitar– slow, bit of lo-fi snarl with the feedback

Dumbshow (Directors Cut)- Michael Knight– great way to end compilation- simple ahhhhs but such delightful instrumentation and woven harmonies…oh dear god a cello all the way through but at the end with violins….ahhhh indeed! Probably the most played by me- reminds me of Loney, Dear with build up of instruments and Efterklang feel overall. Have their full cd now!